world travel archive

world travel archive

Beautiful and fascinating, this is how I would describe many of my encounters with art and culture from early on. It has been my childhood dream to experience this thrill also in other parts of the globe, and especially since the outbreak of the pandemic, love for wild nature was added to my appreciation for offbeat artistic and cultural concepts. My mind started to wander from “To every age its art, to art its freedom” (the German version of this expression being written on the Secession building in Vienna, Austria) to the final idea of getting some personal globetrotting experiences arranged in a world travel archive.

While I registered myself as cultural advocate for Vienna’s world museum (“Kulturpate”, Weltmuseum Wien) in 2019, even some years before I started to put particular interest in learning about world travellers and the story of their journeys, especially when thinking back to my visit to Australia and New Zealand in 2017. Read here an English version of an essay I authored as guest commentator for the Wiener Zeitung that year. With deep contentment I was finally able to archive impressions of my art world travel in an art setting:

Seeing myself as world traveller in the mirror of art: 6 acts of BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE

The digital archive of my world travel art concept BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE was first shown until March 2021 as online gallery in PDF format. On occasion of digital lectures in the Najiba Memorial Library in Central Afghanistan on intercultural experiences of world travellers as well as trauma pedagogy the collection continued to be available until June 30th, 2021.

part 1 – part 2 – part 3

part 4 – part 5 – part 6

On request a link to BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE: world travel in 6 parts in the mirror of art will be sent to you (in PDF format)

Timeline: The digital display titled BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE, which was first made available until the end of winter semester 2020/21, was the concluding part of an academic program of intercultural mediation with an eye of appreciation on South Asia’s Cultural Capital, Bamiyan in Afghanistan. During the years before, I authored some commentaries about people and culture in that country, while simultaneously making an effort to further enhance my interest for the variety of cultural cities in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Would you like to realize a creative idea in your neighborhood, either among friends and relatives or within a pedagogical or academic framework? Are you thinking about implementing a cultural or artistic concept and need assistance of an intercultural mediator? I will be happy to hear from you, simply mail to


currently laying my art focus on experiencing nature anew:


Complementary to my previous art projects finalized in my artist’s profile as DavoudSafary, the pleasure of capturing unique moments in nature will further underline the marvel already expressed, such as seen here in BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE:

Travelling the world doesn’t have a beginning or an end. It merely changes in its way of how it needs to be continued
– motto of world travelling artist DavoudSafary –
Travelling the world doesn’t have a beginning or an end. It merely changes in its way of how it needs to be continued
– motto of world travelling artist DavoudSafary –